Published 5 years ago in Other

Great God..Petersalms.mp3

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God is so indescribable and the grandeur of his majesty is too high for the finite minds to comprehend, this song came from deep reference that the writer has for God, and to encourage the listeners that regardless of what challenges they are experiencing God is greater, and that as we reference his greatness that challenge diminishes until our faith is strengthen to Receive the solution from God.
A very powerful song that stirs the heart to reference God.


Let the incense of our worship rise to you God.
Verse 1
You are God
Eternal king
Nobody like you
Self existing God
Ageless die less God
None but you
What can I say
You are bigger than my imagination
Greater than all my expectations
God great God.
Verse 2
Nobody but you God
Alawo tells
Asheda Or un
Ojoh Akabele Ki ya shabale.
But I know that you are God
Great God
I will like to call you obalewi le she
Aterere ka ri aye
Ojoh Agaba Idu
Owoicho oóoo
Owoicho Adah
Sari kin sarakuna
Response: God great God


amazing!!!, you do much more sir


Lovely! More Grace to soar higher Sir.


i was so blessed



/ :

